
There are rules about the kinds of animals you are allowed to have and how many. You will need written permission from BITMO before you get a pet. Please complete the below form and return it to BITMO.

This is because we need to make sure that your home is suitable, and can give any pets the time and care they need to stay healthy. We also need to make sure that pets do not become a nuisance or dangerous to others.

Rules for keeping pets in a council home

Pets will not be allowed if:

  • you ask to keep more pets than the policy allows (a maximum of two cats or dogs and a reasonable number of smaller animals)
  • the type of property you live in doesn’t allow pets, such as flats with a communal entrance
  • you ask to keep livestock (except hens), exotic, wild or dangerous animals
  • you have a history of animal neglect, cruelty or abandonment
  • you want to keep a dog that is banned under the Dangerous Dogs Act

Your responsibilities

If you get permission to keep pets, you are responsible for:

  • making arrangements for your pets’ care if you are away
  • keeping your pets under control at all times
  • providing us with an emergency contact who can care for your pets
  • making sure your property, garden and pet areas are clean and free from animal smells
  • making sure your pets don’t annoy or frighten anyone, or damage anybody’s property

The full rules are set out in our Pets Policy available here.

Warning Your tenancy agreement states that if you keep pets, you must abide by the rules in the Pets Policy. If you don’t, we could can take action against you which may include the loss of your home.

Lost and found dogs should be reported to Leeds City Council here

To report dog fouling to Leeds City Council go to

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