BITMO is controlled by the tenants of Belle Isle. We are very proud of the extra services that we provide over and above those provided by many councils or housing associations. Just some of the examples of the extras are: We have a caretaking team where often this is contracted out to private cleaning companies […]
You can pay your rent in many ways – but this Thursday between 10am and 2pm you won’t be able to pay on the Council’s automated line 0113 395 7100 or with a debit card with BITMO’s rent team on 0113 378 2187, due to a computer upgrade at the Council. You can normally ring […]
FIVE DAYS of FREE Food and Family Fun events this half term at BITMOs GATE Monday 13th February Mini Mondays—FREE* toast, tea and arts & crafts for parents/carers along with pre-school children. Come along between 9.30—10.30am Tuesday 14th February Two FREE* arts sessions – “Hearts & Crafts”. Booking required – call or text 07891 270094. […]
BITMO’s Housing Counter will be open on Thursday 2nd February and Friday 3rd February 9am till 1pm. We are sorry that we have had to be closed over the last week. A full telephone service remains open on 0113 378 2188.
There are some circumstances in which BITMO will contribute to the cost of decorating your home: You are a new tenant and the decoration in the property is of a very poor standard – such as heavily stained, or paper peeling off the walls. We carry out intrusive works and the decorations need making good […]
Yorkshire Water are aware of the problem in the Winroses and Belle Isle Circus area and are working to resolve it. They say the problem should be fixed by 7pm tonight – earlier if possible. They advise that you could try your taps every hour to see if it is resolved. When the water comes […]
BITMO would like to remind Belle Isle tenants that the office will be closed from 4pm on Friday 23 December until 10am Wednesday 28 December. There is a number you can call in this period for emergencies only. An emergency is something that needs fixing quickly because it is a danger to health and safety. […]