The purpose of BITMO is to create a safer, stronger Belle Isle

21 January 2022

Our Tenancy Support and Enforcement Team work to help you live successfully in Belle Isle and help you access the services and resources you need. This could include support and signposting around mental wellbeing, your finances, help to manage and maintain your tenancy, or connecting with your community and neighbourhood within our BITMOs GATE services. Whatever you need we will try our best to help.

If you are 60 or over and feel socially isolated, you may benefit from a weekly call from a friendly voice to check in on you. We run social events at our retirement life developments. If you’d like to find out more, please contact us on 0113 378 2181.

Tenancy Enforcement

Anti-social behaviour and other breaches of tenancy such as untidy gardens, negatively impact on Belle Isle and our community. If you are concerned about ASB we want to hear from you. We work in partnership with Leeds Anti-Social Behaviour Team and the police. If you are aware of crimes being committed or have been the victim of a crime yourself, we can help you to report this to the police and get a resolution.

Reporting crime is an essential part of making sure a community gets the resources it needs.

The police do respond to reports of crime; crime statistics are monitored. Policing is organised around those statistics; and reporting crime online, is quick, easy and we can help you to do it.

We know that some people living in Belle Isle are concerned about crime and often witness crimes taking place, but crime reporting levels are very low. The best way to address crime is to provide the police with the information they need to track it and deal with it.

If you witness any illegal activity such as drug dealing, aggression, intimidation, assault, damage of property, or illegal road use, it is easy and quick to report it online. BITMO staff can help you, and it really will help to get the resources we need to create a safer, stronger Belle Isle.

Please continue to ring 999 in an emergency and use 101 to report non-urgent crime. You may find it easier to report non-urgent crime online, using this link.

For advice and assistance phone Joanne Wood and Martin Rose (Tenancy Support & Enforcement Officers) on 0113 378 2181 or email BITMO’s Tenancy Support and Enforcement Team at

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Embroidery with Elnaz

Embroidery with Elnaz and Creative Communities. Elnaz is at BITMO’s GATE every Monday 9am to 1pm. Lots of stitching and chat. Come and join her next week.



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