Fit for the Future

8 July 2021

Hello! This is a message I sent to BITMO staff, which I wanted to share with Belle Isle residents.

I hope you are well!  I just want to take a moment to remind us all of what we have achieved over the last year, and ask you to focus on our Five Year Plan.

These plans can become very dusty and get forgotten. I don’t want us to veer away from our agreed focus. If there is anything you need or want in terms of the priorities listed below, please get in touch. You might want training to become stronger digitally.  You might want to initiate a project on our green agenda, you might have thoughts about how we can improve our efficiency.

You are the hive brain of BITMO and your contributions are vital.  Have a think, discuss on your team meetings, and lets catch up at the next all BITMO team meeting.

Fit for the Future

Our Five Year Plan “Fit for the Future” remains highly relevant and we have made good progress in pushing it forward to strengthen our organisation and continue to make a sustainable difference in our community.

Getting The Basics Right has never been more important. Our singular commitment to simplicity and continuous improvement has in some ways been propelled by the circumstances of the pandemic. We have by necessity, streamlined what we do to focus on the things that have impact.

We have become almost entirely paperless, and developed investment programmes and work streams around tree planting, insulation and solar energy in support of our Green Agenda. Home working has been a necessity, and we will continue to work with agility to reduce our carbon foot print and support colleague work/life balance.

Our focus on being Digitally Enabled has gathered pace, as we have rolled out digital devices and tools to digitally excluded members of our community. We will focus over the next year upon providing access to training and becoming a leader in digital health in our community.

We are involved in supporting 50 households to understand their health priorities, and provide tablets that are pre-loaded with useful and individually relevant health apps and other software to enable them to engage with their healthconcerns and access services digitally. 

Meeting Community Needs is about much more than bricks and mortar. This year, providing a community space, and community projects has proved very difficult indeed. We have used this time to rethink how we can do more for our community and have developed a programme call LIFT OFF to help young people achieve success in school, college, university or work.  It focuses on self-development, personal agency and setting and achieving goals.  We are offering the programme to our community, and local schools and colleges.

Developing our Organisation has been so important this year.The novelist Proust observed that the true voyage of discovery in life lies not so much in encountering new landscapes but in discovering new eyes. Everyone at BITMO has seen their world, their work and BITMO with new eyes. We have seen that we are capable of far more than we knew and we are determined to maintain that focus and continue to develop our services, our organisation and ourselves to continue to focus on our 3 key aims:

  • Providing high quality services
  • Building a stronger safer belle isle
  • Being a well-run TMO

Kind regards


BITMO Latest X

Free food and activities at half term

Free food and activities for families during the February half term.

Tuesday 18 – two sessions with animals (booking required) and hot meal* at 4pm.

Thursday 20 – afternoon family stitching with Elnaz and other play tables 1.30-3.30pm. Sandwich packs available from 1pm.

Friday 21 – breakfast* from 9.15 – 11.15am and and crafts 10am-12pm.

*Tuesday hot meal and Friday breakfast are available to anyone, not only families

Full details here.


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