Belle Isle Community Assets

What are Belle Isle’s assets? Assets are things in the community we want to celebrate. This could be things like buildings, people, businesses and organisations that benefit the community and make Belle Isle a better place to live.

We are starting this off with six photos. The photos were taken because Belle Isle residents told Ben the Community Builder that these things were important to the community. What do you think?

A member of our community nominated our local community centres on Facebook, because they make a big impact for people in Belle Isle. Manorfield Hall for example host a foodbank as well as line dancing. It is at the top of Newhall Road near Middleton Park and has been run by the community since 1994.
Somebody nominated the 59 centre and the volunteers that work there because they do a great job supporting neighbours around Belle Isle Circus.   
Belle Isle Tenant Management Organisation has been nominated by a resident who wanted to shine a light on the activities that they put on in the community centre.
A neighbour nominated the Belle Isle Working Men’s Club. It has been the heart of the community for many years.
Craft group

What do you think is a Belle Isle community asset? If you can, please upload a photo of it here. If you don’t have a photo please tell us where something is and why it is important and we will get a photo taken.

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