Community Groups

Due to COVID-19, Community Group meetings are not currently taking place. We’ll update this page with details of future meetings once that information is available.

Community Groups (or ‘Tenants and Residents’ Groups’ as they’re sometimes called) are a great way to get involved, to improve where you live and to make a difference to your surroundings. The groups are independent from BITMO, and have their own committees, usually made up of a Chairperson, Treasurer and Secretary.

Each Community Group represents a smaller area of streets and neighbourhood within Belle Isle. People who live in these areas want to work together to improve it in some way, for example tackling crime or enhancing the environment. The group will meet regularly to discuss their concerns and raise any new issues. The meetings are co-ordinated by a committee of volunteers and are open for all to attend. Representatives from BITMO, West Yorkshire Police, Councillors and any other relevant organisations usually attend the meetings too. 

In Belle Isle there are three community groups, which are:

  • Aberfield and Newhalls Group
    This group meet at Manorfield Hall every three months.
  • Brooms and Nesfields Group
    This group meet every three months at BITMOs GATE. The group is currently looking to recruit a new committee- a Chair, Treasurer and Secretary.
  • Rosedale Patch Group
    This group meet every three months at West Grange Church. The Chair is Rose Hodgkinson.

We have also held meetings for the Winroses and for the East & Low Granges.

We support Community Groups in a variety of ways right from their initial set up, recruiting members to their committee, and then if needed we’ll give ongoing support and advice to help run and manage the group, including funding, and helping to source or provide training. We’re here to help Community Groups and their committees to become skilled so that they’re able to achieve their goals.

For more information about these groups, or should you wish to access support for your local group, please contact our Community and Tenant Support Team on 0113 378 2190, email or complete the enquiry form below.

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