Your Community

At BITMO we understand how important having a sense of community is; that you feel connected to your neighbourhood; that you feel safe in your home; and that you’re happy where you live.

As a Tenant Management Organisation, community is really important to us too. By clicking the links in this section of the website you can find out more about what’s happening locally, what BITMOs GATE offers, and ways that you can become involved with BITMO so that we can work together to improve Belle Isle.

As part of our commitment to the community, we are:

  • Carrying out a programme of service reviews so that we can assess whether our services are meeting your needs
  • Encouraging our tenants, especially those from groups who are currently underrepresented, to become more involved with us
  • Working with local partners in Belle Isle such as schools, charities and support agencies, to ensure we’re able to help you to get the services and support you need
  • Offering a free range of sessions, courses and activities from the GATE that aim to support and help you manage your home, employment, health and money

We’re here to listen to what you have to say, and listening to you helps us to change and improve our services, so if we could do something differently, or if we’ve done something really well, please let us know.

Our Community and Tenant Support Team is made up of dedicated staff who can support you with matters relating to employment, money and wellbeing. Contact them on 0113 378 2190 or email

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