Head of Repairs, Maintenance & Investment

Belle Isle Tenant Management Organisation

Full Time – 37 hours per week

DIR 45% £58,605 – £64,262pa

Belle Isle Tenant Management Organisation has responsibility for repairs and capital investment to maintain approximately nineteen hundred properties in the Belle Isle area of Leeds. We’ve got a strong track record of success, and we are looking for the right person to build on our strengths, leading the team to provide outstanding services.

The post holder will support the organisation to deliver programmes of strategic significance in line with its objectives. They will lead compliance, investment, and customer and estate services to ensure strategic priorities are delivered. They will take the lead and be responsible for creating and implementing the investment plans, financial controls, risk and audit arrangements for the capital and revenue programmes. The postholder will drive excellence and continuous improvement of the organisation, leading customer service and contributing to cross organisational projects, collaborative working with partners and supporting the Board. The postholder will lead compliance and adherence to the regulatory frameworks determined by the Regulator of Social Housing and the Housing Ombudsman.

They will work with the Housing Communities and Environment Directorate and other Directorates and partners across the commercial, and third sectors to assure the sustainability, viability and high performance of the organisation. They will identify opportunities to strengthen the organisation, creating innovative services that add value. The role will be performed through a range of approaches that support service improvement, co-creation and service design that enables the organisation to further build on its strengths-based approach.

In addition to the leadership of Investment Planning, Responsive Repairs, Contract Management, Procurement, Customer service, and Estate services, the post holder will also be responsible for driving innovation specifically in relation to our green agenda, and horizon scanning to develop new and innovative ways to enhance the delivery of BITMO’s and wider strategic partner objectives.

For further information and requirements for the post, please see the Job Description.

We offer:

  • Annual salary increments through the scale.
  • Contributory Pension scheme.
  • Flexible Working.
  • Employee Assistance Programme & opt in cashback health plan.
  • Annual holiday of 31 days + bank holidays, increasing by 1 day per year of service up to a maximum of 5 additional days.
  • Continuous service when transferring to or from other Local Authorities.
  • Office location in South Leeds easily accessible by major transport routes & free onsite parking.

For any enquiries up to the 18th September please contact lindsay.metcalfe@belleisletmo.co.uk, for enquiries on or after 19th September then please contact karen.hoole@belleisletmo.co.uk.

No CV’s will be accepted, applications must be made by completing the application below and received by 12 noon on 10th October 2024.

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Please answer in no more than 200 words
Please answer in no more than 200 words
Give name of employer, position held, employment dates and brief description of duties.
Contact name, job title, name of organisation, phone number and email address.
Job title, name of organisation (if previous employer), name, phone number and email address. If this is a character reference, please state how the individual knows you.

BITMO Latest X

Free food and activities at half term

Free food and activities for families during the February half term.

Tuesday 18 – two sessions with animals (booking required) and hot meal* at 4pm.

Thursday 20 – afternoon family stitching with Elnaz and other play tables 1.30-3.30pm. Sandwich packs available from 1pm.

Friday 21 – breakfast* from 9.15 – 11.15am and and crafts 10am-12pm.

*Tuesday hot meal and Friday breakfast are available to anyone, not only families

Full details here.


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