A huge thank you to the volunteers—like Gerry and Tracy from Belle Isle Community Kitchen in the photo—but also to the rest of the kitchen volunteers Mandy, Faye, Penny and Pat, along with Julie who runs the Ancestry group, Pat, Andrea and all the volunteers at the 58 Centre, Tony and Harry for all their help setting up the tables at BITMOs GATE, the new volunteers involved with the community garden— Emma, Joy, Howard, Peter, Shaf and Kevin so far. Thanks also to Albert and Rose who support the tutors at our English and Maths lessons.

Of course the BITMO Board are all volunteers who give up their time to make decisions to benefit the community.
Let’s remember the amazing volunteer John Shaw who passed away this year who ran free painting and guitar classes for many years.
Thanks to Lisa who started volunteering with us providing computer support, which gave her the experience to get a job providing computer support to older resident with Belle Isle Senior Action.
And thanks to all the other unsung heroes in Belle Isle who look out for their neighbours, litter pick, support the schools, run Belle Isle Senior Action and the sport and dance clubs or contribute in the way you can to make Belle Isle a safer and stronger community. You help make Belle Isle what it is and we salute you!
To find out more about volunteering in Belle Isle call 0113 378 2190 or call in to BITMOs GATE.
Who are your community heroes? We know we will have missed some people out. Let us know who we should feature on the website and in the next edition of Bits & Pieces. Email your suggestions to gate@belleisletmo.co.uk