Summer Fun Days 2024

13 June 2024

Could you help run a fun day or street party where you live?

Last summer BITMO supported residents in Belle Isle Close and a part of Windmill Road to hold their own fun days.

We would like to support more tenants to hold their own local summer events this year. They are a great chance for neighbours to get together and celebrate what is good about your part of Belle Isle. We would particularly like to support events this year to mark the 20 years that Belle Isle tenants have been running Belle Isle through BITMO.

If residents from four different homes say they support the idea we will work with you to help plan the event. We will also check that no-one objects.

It’s your event, so you can choose the day and time. BITMO can support by providing things to support the day like a giant connect 4, a marquee and a £50 supermarket voucher. If you haven’t got enough chairs or tables we could bring some down.

If you would like to talk about the idea before you apply, please call Peter at BITMO on 07891 274237. We would be happy to come to your street and talk through with you and your neighbours how it could work. We can provide more support if most homes are BITMO tenants. If you are Places for People or Leeds Federated tenants, they may be able to support you. Housing Leeds may be able to help if you are in the Manor Farms or Cranmore & Raylands and in any case we can give advice and some support if it helps build a safer and stronger Belle Isle.

If you are ready now, please complete the form below. We will be in touch soon.

Please tick as many boxes as possible
Name and address of first neighbour
Name and address of second neighbour
Name and address of third neighbour

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Winter Warmth Fund

BITMO’s Board has opened a new Winter Warmth Fund for this winter. The Board understand the cost of living crisis that is affecting many people and have allocated money from their budget to pay for goods that can help you and your family keep warm this winter.

BITMO households in need of extra support can apply for a winter warmth pack which will contain large fleecy sherpa blankets, hot water bottles with covers and fleecy socks, with the amounts depending on how many people are in our household.

You can find out more and apply for a Winter Warmth Pack here.



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