May half term food and activities

27 April 2023

There will be free* food and activity events on three days in the next half term:

Tuesday 30 May – Story Bus 10.30am – 2pm. Nature Crafts – arts & crafts for children with a nature theme from 2pm – 3.30pm. Free* hot meal from 3.30pm – 5.30pm

Thursday 1 June – den building with Skelton Grange 1-4pm. Free* picnic of sandwich, crisps, fruit and a biscuit.

Friday 2 June 9.00am – 12pm – Belle Isle Big Breakfast. Free* Full English, hot sandwiches, cereal, jam and toast. Smaller cooked breakfasts for children. Grow your own sunflowers and cress pots with Belle Isle Community Garden. Dogs Trust will be present to answer any dog-related questions.

* free to BITMO tenants and their households. Small donation from others, please.

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