Improvements to Belle Isle Parade

21 September 2021

The Council and BITMO intend to make improvements to this area. This will include painting the shop fronts and can also include improvements to the green area between the shops and Belle Isle Road.

Green area by Belle Isle Parade

BITMO is a tenant-led organisation that seeks to work with all residents, listening to what you have to say. We also want to hear from local businesses. We have a green strategy which aims to improve the environment.

Here are some possible improvements to the green area. Which, if any, do you support?

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Winter Warmth Fund

BITMO’s Board has opened a new Winter Warmth Fund for this winter. The Board understand the cost of living crisis that is affecting many people and have allocated money from their budget to pay for goods that can help you and your family keep warm this winter.

BITMO households in need of extra support can apply for a winter warmth pack which will contain large fleecy sherpa blankets, hot water bottles with covers and fleecy socks, with the amounts depending on how many people are in our household.

You can find out more and apply for a Winter Warmth Pack here.



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