Belle Isle Tool Library

13 November 2023

A tool library is where people can borrow tools for a short time to get work done. They then give them back and so someone else can borrow them. Belle Isle is a garden estate, and many people are able to look after their gardens very well. Some people don’t and there are a number of reasons for this. One reason given is that people don’t have the right tools.

BITMO is planning to buy some tools to lend to tenants. At first these will be tools you operate by hand – hedge trimmers, shears, scythes and push lawnmowers. We may also get some cordless tools like strimmers.

Do you think this is a good idea? What tools should we get? Please take a couple of minutes to complete the form below.

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Winter Warmth Fund

BITMO’s Board has opened a new Winter Warmth Fund for this winter. The Board understand the cost of living crisis that is affecting many people and have allocated money from their budget to pay for goods that can help you and your family keep warm this winter.

BITMO households in need of extra support can apply for a winter warmth pack which will contain large fleecy sherpa blankets, hot water bottles with covers and fleecy socks, with the amounts depending on how many people are in our household.

You can find out more and apply for a Winter Warmth Pack here.



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