Making Good Use of the Site behind Belle Isle Parade

9 December 2024

BITMO is considering working with a co-operative called Fruit Works to create a tree nursery on the green space between Belle Isle Parade and Winrose Hill.

Where is it?

It’s a one-acre site between Belle Isle Parade and Winrose Hill. Access is through a locked gate on Belle Isle Parade, between Andy’s and the post office. It has been unused for many years and there are no other plans for its use. It is not suitable for building housing on.

Who are Fruit Works?

Fruit Works Co-operative is a social enterprise helping people in Leeds and Bradford to plant
and maintain fruit trees. Since their launch in 2020 they have:
● worked with 50+ schools and 15 community groups to establish orchards
● delivered 60+ training workshops
● propagated and grown 3000+ trees
● grown a sustainable business that employs 5 people
● worked in partnership with councils, community groups and local and national
charities to achieve our collective aims

Fruit Works have worked with BITMO to plant 4 community orchards in Belle Isle since 2022
and have plans to plant more orchards and 32 standard trees in the next year.

BITMO are considering a proposal for the green space behind Belle Isle Parade to be taken
on by Fruit Works to use as a tree nursery. The nursery would supply trees for their planting
projects around Leeds and Bradford, as well as for retail and wholesale customers and for
BITMO’s own tree planting projects in Belle Isle.

Fruit Works would not be growing any tall trees. The proposal is for a tree nursery, so young trees would be dug up and moved off site. They would also be growing fruit bushes.

A typical pot grown one year old apple tree on another Fruit Works site

Part of the proposal is that Fruit Works would make fruit trees and bushes available to BITMO tenants at low or no cost, or provide free trees for BITMO to plant.

The site would also be used for occasional training sessions, so people could learn how to grow fruit trees.

BITMO and Fruit Works staff are visiting residents whose homes back onto the site on Winrose Hill, Winrose Crescent, Belle Isle Road as well as the businesses on Belle Isle Parade. If we don’t manage to speak to you, please call us on 07891 274237 or email any comments to Please put Belle Isle Parade in the title of your email.

There was an open day on the site on Saturday 18 January from 11am-12pm, which was attended by 10 residents as well as BITMO and Fruit Works staff. Here is a short video we made at the end of that session.

BITMO Latest X

Free food and activities at half term

Free food and activities for families during the February half term.

Tuesday 18 – two sessions with animals (booking required) and hot meal* at 4pm.

Thursday 20 – afternoon family stitching with Elnaz and other play tables 1.30-3.30pm. Sandwich packs available from 1pm.

Friday 21 – breakfast* from 9.15 – 11.15am and and crafts 10am-12pm.

*Tuesday hot meal and Friday breakfast are available to anyone, not only families

Full details here.


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