Feedback & Complaints

We value your opinion and we use compliments, comments and complaints to understand how we can run services better. You can tell us by completing the form or using the contact details below:

    Phone: 0113 3782188

    Aberfield Gate
    Belle Isle
    LS10 3QH

    Please note: If you are not a tenant of BITMO, living in Belle Isle, please go to the Housing Leeds page.

    Comments or Compliments

    If you offer a comment or compliments we will

    • Acknowledge the compliment or comment
    • Pass it on to the right person to deal with it.


    Belle Isle Tenant Management Organisation strives to provide an excellent standard of service. However, we recognise there may be occasions where someone may need to make a comment or a complaint.

    We welcome complaints and feedback from all tenants and residents within our area as understanding when and where things go wrong, helps us to improve what we do. In considering complaints about our service we will investigate whether approved policy has been applied in a correct and timely way, whether all relevant matters have been taken into consideration, and whether the service has been provided courteously, objectively and properly.

    BITMO is guided by the Complaints Policy of Leeds City Council:

    What is a complaint?

              A complaint is defined as:

              “An expression of dissatisfaction, however made, about the standard of service, actions, or lack of action by the organisation, its own staff, or those acting on its behalf, affecting an individual resident or group of residents.”

    How can I complain ?

    Complaints can be made:

    • In person at the Housing Office (address below)
    • To any member of staff when they are on the estate
    • By telephone (0800 389 5503 or 0113 378 2188)
    • In writing to B.I.T.M.O (address below).
    • By e-mail to
    • Via our website –
    • Via Leeds City Council: email or phone 0113 222 4405
    • Via a third party authorised to act on their behalf

    What should I expect when I complain?

    Complaints concerning Belle Isle TMO are considered under the Leeds City Council Complaints Policy:

    There are 2 stages to managing complaints:

    • Stage 1 10 working days
    • Stage 2 15 working days

    Stage 1

    When a complaint is made, we will seek to remedy it immediately. It will be registered, acknowledge and allocated to an investigating manager.

    Stage 1 complaints will be investigated by a member of the BITMO Management Team, other than the Chief Executive Officer, and Heads of Service. The complaint investigator will not have management responsibility for the service complained about.

    The purpose of the investigation is to consider whether there has been a service failure, and if so what the root cause of the service failure is. The investigating manager will contact you by phone to clarify the complaint and the outcome that you are seeking.

    Having established the root cause of any failure, we aim to rectify it to prevent it happening again. If there is no service failure the aim is to manage the customers’ expectations by explaining what the service offering is and considering whether we need to amend the service offering to provide a higher level of service.

    Stage 1 Complaints Outcome

    When we have investigated your complaint, we will send you a letter or email that confirms:

    • The complaint stage
    • The complaint definition
    • The decision on the complaint
    • The reasons for the decision made
    • The details of any remedy offered to put things right
    • Details of any outstanding actions
    • Details of how to escalate to stage 2 if you are not satisfied with the outcome.

    Stage 2

    If you are not satisfied with the response at Stage 1, you can ask for a review led by a Senior Officer. You have the opportunity to meet with the Senior Officer in person to explain your concerns.

    The purpose of the review at Stage 2 is to consider whether all appropriate factors were taken into consideration at Stage 1, whether the conclusions reached were reasonable, and to understand whether there are valid reasons for your ongoing dissatisfaction.

              Stage 2 Complaints Outcome.

              At this Stage, the Senior Officer will determine whether the complaint is “Upheld” “Partially Upheld” or “Not Upheld”. A Stage 2 outcome letter will be sent which confirms:

    • The complaint stage
    • The complaint definition
    • The decision on the complaint
    • The reasons for the decision made
    • The details of any remedy offered to put things right
    • Details of any outstanding actions
    • Details of how to escalate the matter to the Housing Ombudsman Service if you remain dissatisfied.


    The principle of confidentiality will be maintained at all times. Details of customer contact will never be discussed with a third party outside the necessary investigation of the case.

    Compensation Policy

    We have a compensation policy which provides for payment of compensation in circumstances where we have failed in our service delivery, and you have suffered a material and evidenced loss as a result of our failure.

    Housing Ombudsman

    If we are unable to resolve your complaint to your satisfaction, you have the option to refer your complaint to the Housing Ombudsman. They will review your complaint and consider whether BITMO have acted correctly in the way we have dealt with it. If they are not satisfied that we have acted correctly they can instruct us to resolve the matter in a way that they consider appropriate.

    Housing Ombudsman Contact details:

    PO Box 152, Liverpool, L33 7WQ

    Phone0300 111 3000



    The Housing Ombudsman Complaint Handling Code is available at:

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